Following are the dates and venues for the official Southwark diocesan marriage preparation courses being held during 2025. They comply fully with diocesan guidelines.
A certificate confirming completion of the course is provided at the end of the course and is recognized worldwide.
Courses fill up very quickly so early booking is advisable and reservations can be made by contacting the relevant pastoral area coordinators as listed below. Make sure to quote your full home address, your parish and when and where you are getting married. A fee is payable. Note that, if you cancel less than 10 days before the date of your course, your fee may be forfeit.
Before Booking a Marriage Preparation Course...
As soon as possible, a Catholic intending to get married must contact the priest or deacon in the parish where they live. That applies whether you attend Mass in that parish or not and regardless of whether the wedding will take place in that parish or elsewhere or abroad.
The diocesan policy on marriage states that "at least six months’ notice of marriage is normally required". But if you are getting married outside the United Kingdom it is advisable to give more notice, ideally nine months. This is to allow preparation to be undertaken by the couple and the required paperwork to be completed. It is the responsibility of the relevant priest or deacon to ensure that all the necessary documentation is in hand and to see that the documents are sent to the place of marriage.
To avoid possible complications, no wedding date should be fixed until after the first meeting with the priest or deacon. This is to ensure that you have a full understanding of all of the requirements necessary for celebrating your wedding in the Catholic Church and to prevent you from losing non-refundable costs if the wedding date needs to be changed.
This initial visit will determine if both of you are free to marry in the Church and allow the priest or deacon time to guide you through the marriage preparation process.
If your wedding is to take place outside the UK it is essential that you contact your local parish priest or deacon before any arrangements are made with a priest or deacon in the other country. This is to allow time for essential documentation to be completed and sent in advance of the wedding.
Marriage papers for weddings taking place in other countries travel via the Chancery Office at Archbishop’s House in Southwark Diocese to the office of the relevant overseas bishop, before finally being sent to the place of marriage. Hence the need for additional notice, ideally 9-12 months.
Dates and Venues
When booking make sure to give your names, address and the date & venue for your wedding.
April 4/5 Online (Kent)
April 26 Southwark (SW London)
May 16/17 Online/Tenterden (Kent)
May 31 (16/22/30) Beckenham (SE London)
June 6/7 Online/Dartford (Kent)
June 7 Southwark (SW London)
July 5 Wallington (SW London)
July 19 (9/16/18) Dulwich (SE London)
September 19/20 Online/Ashford (Kent)
October 18 Purley (SW London)
November 22 Online (SW London)
November 29 (19/26/28) Welling (SE London)
- Courses in the Kent Pastoral Area include on online session on the Friday evening as well as a face-to-face session all day Saturday.
- Courses in the SE London Pastoral Area are all held face to face and include sessions on the preceding Wednesday and Friday evenings as well as all day Saturday.
SW London Pastoral Area Deacon Philip & Mrs Mary Pond T: 020 8651 2477 |
SE London Pastoral Area Mrs Lisette Blanchet Ball T: 07505 305 297 |
Kent Pastoral Area Mrs Carole Batty T: 07983 524727 |
Powerpoint Presentations
(used on South West London pastoral area courses)
- Communication & relationship
- Listening
- Languages of Love
- Marriage
- Confrontation and Conflict
- Money Matters
- Sexuality & Parenthood
- Closing Remarks
Further Reading