Below is a list of events for 2024

Day Date Item Age range Venue Booking
Sunday 07/04/2024 Young Adults Mass 18-35 St. George's Cathedral N/A
Saturday 27/04/2024 Training Day 18+ St. George's Cathedral click here to book
Sunday 05/05/2024 Young Adults Mass 18-35 St. George's Cathedral N/A
Saturday 11/05/2024 Youth Day 10-14 St. George's Cathedral click here to book
Sunday 02/06/2024 Young Adults Mass 18-35 St. George's Cathedral N/A
Saturday 15/06/2024 Young Adult (+18) retreat 13-17 Richard Challenor School click here to book
Saturday 06/07/2024 Youth Day 10-14 St. John Fisher Chatham click here to book
Sunday 07/07/2024 Young Adults Mass 18-35 St. George's Cathedral N/A
Sunday 01/09/2024 Young Adults Mass 18-35 St. George's Cathedral N/A
Saturday 28/09/2024 Youth Day 10-14 Richard Challenor School click here to book
Sunday  06/10/2024 Young Adults Mass 18-35 St. George's Cathedral N/A
Saturday 12/10/2024 Youth Retreat 13-17 St. John Fisher Chatham click here to book
Sunday 03/11/2024 Young Adults Mass 18-35 St. George's Cathedral N/A
Saturday 09/11/2024 Youth Day 10-14 St. George's Cathedral click here to book
Sunday 01/12/2024 Young Adults Mass 18-35 St. George's Cathedral N/A
Thursday 05/12/2024 Youth Evening   16-35 St. George's Cathedral click here to book