Our Young Adult Masses take place on the first Sunday of every month at 6:00pm in St. George's Cathedral

We have a guest celebrant and preacher each month and different musicians, including Hakuna, Edwin Fawcett and the Indonesian Youth Choir. This year we've had Canon Michael celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday and he stressed the importance of not just preaching, but living out the messages of Divine Mercy. Saint John Paul II, reviver of the writings of St Faustina, set us a good example of standing firm in the faith in face of Communism, an anti-Christ culture. Canon Michael invited us to remain counter culture because we have Christ on our side.

Fr Paul Kyne (Vocations Director) was also with us recently, and preached beautifully on vocation. He reminded us that God never creates something without a purpose. Whether it is a calling to the priesthood, consecrated life, or to lay missions, God always respects our decisions and is willing to journey with us. 

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