We have a number of activities for youth in our Archdiocese in 2024.
Youth Days (ages 10-14)
Building on the success of a pilot day at St. George’s Cathedral, we are pleased to introduce a series of Youth Days in different locations. These days will engage those aged 10-14 to grow in knowledge and love of the Lord Jesus in a fun environment. They will:
- Help young people understand their faith through talks on a theme of the Catechism and Q/A.
- Nurture their spiritual lives through Eucharistic Adoration, praise, music and Confession.
- Build community through sports, games, crafts, and pizza!
To book on a Youth Day, please click here.
Day retreats (ages 13-17)
We have scheduled a number of retreat days for 2024 with external providers. The aim of these
days is to help teenagers grow in knowledge and love of Christ and to build solid friendships.
Book here
Parish Retreat Mission Team (ages 11-17)
Our team is comprised of young adult students and professionals who volunteer to deliver Saturday day retreats in their spare time.
- Want to book a Saturday Mission Team retreat? Individuals and parishes can register here
- Want to join the next cohort of our Mission Team? Sign up here
Let’s keep our Mission Team in your prayers as they give generously of their time to share the truth and love of Christ! 

Please direct any queries to: youth@rcaos.org.uk .