Catholic Association for Racial Justice (CARJ) 40th Anniversary Celebration

As part of the 40th Anniversary Celebration, CARJ is launching ‘The Agenda for Change’ to bring about greater equality and create a racially just society.
This free event takes place on 25 May at 10.30 am in Amigo Hall, followed by a 3 pm Mass.
All are welcome. Please RSVP to
11:00 am Welcome – Yogi Sutton
11:03 am Opening Prayer, Blessing – Bishop Paul McAleenan
11:07 am Fr Dan Mason – A Focus on the Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) Community
11:25 am Deacon Alfred Banya- Black vocations
11:40 am Fr Gerard Mitchell– Dalits, class and hope for the future
11:55 am Questions/discussion
12:10 pm Lunch (45min)
12:55 pm Jackie McLoughlin MBE -Love the Stranger
1:10 pm Richard Reddie – Migrants/citizens of colour
1:25 pm Sr Kumari Fernando- Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Vocations
1.35 pm Discussion/Questions
1.50 pm Fr Phil Sumner- Agenda for Change
2.20 pm Discussion/Questions
2.40 pm Break
3.00 pm Mass – Canon Victor Darlington
4.00 pm Thanks & Close- Bishop Paul McAleenan