Catholic Spirituality Network Conference 2024

The 2024 CSN Conference will take place at Noddfa Spirituality Centre, which is based in the hills of Snowdonia in North Wales, The renowned Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader, teacher and writer, Chris Chapman, will deliver the keynote speech on the theme 'Send my roots rain'.
Explaining the theme, Christopher writes:
"Send my Roots Rain will explore ways of allowing the water of the Spirit to soak down to our roots. Our roots lie in our formation and experience – and above all in relationship with our life-giving God. But our roots can become dry. In caring for others, we can neglect to look after ourselves. Yet we remain disciples, called to the intimacy of companionship with Christ and continued growth in the Spirit. Our spiritual, physical and emotional health matters to God, who calls."
The Conference will also include well-planned liturgies to help us reflect on the theme. These will be organised and led by Avril Baigent, a former Youth Officer for the Diocese of Northampton, and currently a Pastoral Ministry Adviser.
Conference Fees
Members £275
Non-members £295
There is a discount of £20 for all CSN Members
It is anticipated that bursaries will be available for those who have difficulty meeting the cost.
Information and Booking
Find out more:
CSN Conference Secretary
Catholic Spirituality Network
St George's Cathedral
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7HY
Tel: 07756 864 784