PACT: Supporting Children and Young People Affected by Imprisonment

Hosted by Pact's Routes 2 Change team, this event will provide training and support on how school practitioners can best support children affected by imprisonment. The event will include:
- sharing best practice on supporting children with a loved one in prison
- a "through a child's eyes" experience of the prison visiting process
- Q&A with prison staff
- (if conditions allow) a tour of the prison, including the education centre
- resources to support your school to become a champion for children affected by imprisonment
Pact and HMP YOI Isis will provide welcome refreshments, drinks, and lunch for attendees.
This one-off training day is available to 30 participants only: please book early!
Please note entrance to the prison will require photo ID (passport or driving licence), and the prison may require you to have your photo and fingerprints taken on the day. Due to security requirements, we cannot make any changes to the attendance list after 15 September.