2024 Pilgrimage to Lourdes
People with disabilities and the sick placed at the heart of the pilgrimage

The Archdiocese of Southwark pilgrimage to Lourdes in August placed people with disabilities and the sick at its heart.
The pilgrimage began with Archbishop John Wilson, along Bishop Paul Hendricks and other clergy on the trip, anointing the hands (non-sacramental) of those caring for the sick and people with disabilities during the pilgrimage. This included nurses and healthcare professionals who gave their time support vulnerable people on the pilgrimage.
The Catholic Association, who organised the tour, help organise healthcare professionals who can support the sick and people with disabilities. In Lourdes, unlike in the world in general, the sick and people with disabilities come first and this is a premise at the heart of the Catholic Association.
While in Lourdes, Archbishop John recorded a message for those who were unable to attend the pilgrimage. The Archbishop said: “I am praying for you here in Lourdes, especially those who are sick or suffering in any kind of way”.
As part of the recognition of the importance of supporting pilgrims who need mobility or medical care, Bishop Paul Hendricks presented the insignia of the Hospitalité of Our Lady of Lourdes, to one of the new associate members, who give support by their prayers. The Hospitalité exists to serve pilgrims who need assistance in terms of mobility or medical care. Members also commit to promoting pilgrimage to Lourdes, and the associated spirituality.
As well as Mass in the Grotto, other highlights of the pilgrimage included seeing the Olympic torch going through Lourdes for the Paralympics, as well as a Mass at a Ukrainian Church.
To see more photos of the pilgrimage, click the link below.