Archbishop John celebrates the start of the school year
Schools from across the Archdiocese celebrate Mass at St George’s Cathedral

In a lively service, schools from across south London and Kent came to St George’s Cathedral to celebrate the annual Beginning of the Year Mass.
The Cathedral was full of children and young people, excited about the year ahead.
In his homily, Archbishop John invited some of the children to join him in front of the altar, which very quickly became full as lots gathered.
Archbishop John asked the children and young people ‘do we want to know Jesus, do we want to follow him and do we want to love like him’ – all questions were met with a resounding ‘yes’.
Archbishop John then asked the children and young people how we can ‘see, and know and follow Jesus’. Their replies were beautiful, with one child saying “be kind and read the bible”, another said “love everyone as Jesus loves you”.
Summing up the responses, Archbishop John said: “I have heard from you, that you want to see Jesus, that you want to know him, that you want to love him”, he added “and that you know how to do this”.
Before the children returned to their pews, Archbishop John asked them to put into practice the things they had said to him: 'Read the Scriptures, say your prayers, love your neighbour, come to Mass, do your best and love as Jesus loves'.
The annual service is organised by the Archdiocese of Southwark Education Service.
Please join us in praying for all the children, young people and staff in our schools, sixth forms and college.