Archbishop John: Christmas teaches us God is a God of love

At the Christmas Midnight Mass at St George’s Cathedral, Archbishop John Wilson said “Christmas teaches that our God is not a God of fear, but a God of love”.

At the Christmas Midnight Mass at St George’s Cathedral, Archbishop John Wilson said “Christmas teaches that our God is not a God of fear, but a God of love”.

The Archbishop of Southwark said:

“The birth of our Lord Jesus shows us something so beautiful about God. God, who has always existed invisibly, chose to become visible in our world”.

Archbishop John encouraged the faithful to reflect on the fact that God entered the world “not by power, or through imposition, but with littleness so that no one would ever need to be afraid of accepting his invitation to come close”.

The Archbishop reminded us that “God in Christ still humbles himself to come among us inhis littleness” in the Eucharist. Archbishop John said:

“In bread and wine, changed in the Holy Eucharist to become Christ’s body and blood, the whole glorified Christ, who rose from the dead, is truly and really present with us. In the smallness of one Sacred Host and a drop of the Precious Blood, we meet our Lord and God.”

You can read the full homily below.
