Fr Oladele Craig is inducted as Parish Priest of St Osmund’s in Barnes

On the 6th June 2024 Bishop Philip Moger inducted Fr Oladele Craig as Parish Priest of St Osmund’s in Barnes.

Bishop Moger at the Induction of Fr Ola Craig in Barnes ParishThe service was well attended, with several members of the Clergy, the Mayor of Richmond, Councillor Richard Pyne, and members of the Knights of St Gregory all present. 

The Induction follows six successful years of study at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Santa Croce, where Fr Ola obtained a Doctorate in Canon Law.

Speaking of his new appointment, he said:

Having been away from parish ministry while studying in Rome, I have been anxious about taking on a parish appointment. However, my concerns were put to rest on arrival at Barnes as I have inherited a well-run parish from a much-loved parish priest.

In Rome, I was fortunate to receive training in Canon Law, during which I read about the importance of the bond between the priest and people of the parish. The written text translated into lived experience on 6th June, when I was inducted as Parish Priest of St Osmund’s Church by Bishop Philip Moger. The church was full and I received a warm welcome from parishioners, which has served as great encouragement for our mutual journey of faith ahead.

The Archdiocese wishes Fr Ola every happiness as he moves into parish life in South-West London, and offers warm congratulations on the positive completion of his studies.

View photographs of the Induction Service

View the Induction Mass Livestream

Images courtesy of Marcin Mazur / CBCEW