Holy Week & Easter 2024
Holy Week & Easter services at St George's Cathedral, including video clips of Archbishop John's homilies

Holy Week is the most sacred part of our Liturgical Calendar. It celebrates the Paschal Mystery, the Passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Archbishop John Wilson will be the main celebrant at St George's Cathedral at:
- The Chrism Mass at 11.30am on Wednesday 27 March
- The Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7.30 pm on Thursday 28 March
- The Solemn Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord at 3 pm on Friday 29 March
- The Easter Vigil at 8.30 pm on Saturday 30 March
Video clips of Archbishop John's homilies
Palm Sunday homily
Chrism Mass homily
Mass of the Lord's Supper homily
Good Friday liturgy homily
Easter Vigil homily
Easter Sunday homily
Sunday 24 March: Palm Sunday
Mass will begin with the blessing of palms
Holy Mass: 8am, 10am (Family), 12 noon (Solemn), 2pm (Spanish), 6pm
Stations of the Cross: 5pm
Confessions: during 10am & 12 noon Masses
Holy Mass: 7.30am, 12.30pm
Reconciliation Service: 6pm
Holy Mass: 7.30am, 12.30pm
Wednesday 27 MarchHoly Mass: 7.30am
Chrism Mass: 11.30am
Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper: 7.30pm
Watching at Altar of Repose after Mass
Confessions: 10 – 11.30pm
Night Prayer: 11.45pm
A day of fasting and abstinence
Children's Stations: 10am (in Amigo Hall)
Celebración de la Pasión (Spanish): 11.30am
Solemn Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord: 3pm
Stations of the Cross: 7pm
Confessions: 9am – 12 noon
Saturday 30 March: Holy SaturdayOffice of Readings: 9.30am
Confessions: 11am – 1pm
The Easter Vigil: 8.30pm
Holy Mass: 8am, 10am (Family), 12 noon (Solemn), 2pm (Spanish), 6pm
Confessions: during 10am & 12 noon Masses