New toolkit to support racial & cultural inclusion in Catholic parishes

A Southwark parish has launched a new toolkit empowering Catholic parishes to promote racial and cultural inclusion in all their activities and worship.

A Southwark parish has launched a new toolkit empowering Catholic parishes to promote racial and cultural inclusion in all their activities and worship.

Saint Margaret of Scotland Parish, Carshalton Beeches, is a South London parish whose demographic has changed significantly in recent years as it has welcomed more Catholic faithful from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and Eastern Europe. Fr Anthony Uche, Parish Administrator of St Margaret’s, says:

“We hope that this Toolkit will be of assistance to anyone wishing to promote racial and cultural inclusion more effectively in their parish. Steps to promote racial and cultural inclusion will need adaptation from one area to another. However, the overall approach which we describe is likely to be appropriate for many Catholic parishes. We would be pleased to exchange ideas with other parishes and to learn from their experiences.”

The toolkit has been produced with the support of the Southwark Archdiocese’s Commission for Promoting Racial and Cultural Inclusion. The Commission’s Chair, Canon Victor Darlington, says:

“The Catholic Church has a crucial role to play in speaking out against racism and promoting racial inclusion. Racism is a sin and has no place in our world. As followers of Christ, it is our duty to welcome all people, regardless of race or background, into our Church. Saint Margaret’s, Carshalton Beeches, are leading the way in putting the message of welcome and inclusion into practice.  It is wonderful to see how they have transformed their parish into one which is more inclusive, welcoming and reflective of the people they serve. I am delighted with their toolkit, which is designed to provide practical and helpful tips for parishes to ensure they are welcoming to all.”

The toolkit provides comprehensive practical advice and includes details of website links and resources (many available free of charge). This includes advice on setting up a parish racial and cultural inclusion group; welcoming new parishioners; obtaining racially diverse pictures, statues and Repository items; ensuring diversity in parish ministries; dealing with racial incidents; and organising multi-cultural celebrations and events.

Andrea Fernandes, Co-Chair of the St Margaret’s Racial and Cultural Inclusion Group, commented:

“Our approach emphasises that the racial and cultural diversity of a parish is a blessing from the Lord; that the experiences, traditions and worship of different racial and cultural groups can enrich the life of a parish; and that the whole parish benefits from the experience of racial and cultural inclusion.”

The toolkit can be accessed free of charge below and on the Saint Margaret of Scotland Parish, Carshalton website. A limited number of hard copies are available, price £12.50 including postage, from the Parish Office, Saint Margaret of Scotland Church, Fir Tree Grove, Carshalton SM5 4NG.

Download the toolkit