Pilgrimage to Lourdes: an invitation from Bishop Paul Hendricks

An Invitation from Bishop Paul Hendricks


Bishop Paul Hendricks in Lourdes


For many years, it has been my privilege and pleasure to take part in our diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes.

After the restrictions of the past few years, I’m delighted that we are now once more able to include support for pilgrims who need assistance for medical or mobility reasons.

In Lourdes, those who are often marginalised are placed at the centre, and we who travel with them are blessed by their presence.

Together we experience the unique spirit of Lourdes and are strengthened by the prayers of Our Lady and St Bernadette.

For further details, please see https://www.tangney-tours.com/pilgrimages/lourdes/southwark-ca

I warmly invite you to join us.

Bishop Paul Hendricks

Auxiliary Bishop of Kent

View photographs of the 2019 CA Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Bishop Hendricks and Canon Perera light the Diocesan Candle in Lourdes