Seminarians pastoral mission in Kenya
Makir Ahmed visits Kenya as part of his training for the priesthood

Seminarians from England and Wales are in Kenya as part of a pastoral placement for their training for the priesthood.
Makir Ahmed, a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Southwark, is taking part in the placement. Makir and his brother seminarians have visited parishes and schools, and even found the time to play football with some of the young people they met.
Reflecting on his experience so far, Makir said:
“My time in Kenya has been incredible. The experience of both the culture and the Church here has taught me much. Although a lot is different from back home one thing that is the constant is the Mass.
“The fact that I can travel halfway across the globe and still receive The Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist has reminded me how the Church is truly One, Catholic and Apostolic.
Makir has his fellow seminarians have been documenting their journey on YouTube, where you can see them attend schools and Mass. The placement is to help them better understand missionary work while experiencing the culture of the wider Catholic Church.
A key part of the placement is for the seminarians to see first-hand the varied ways priests support communities around the world. This includes administering sacraments to the dying, which had an enormous impact on Makir who said:
“Visiting the sick has been particularly impactful for me. Watching the Priests administer the sacraments and seeing what it means to those who are dying is amazing.”
The laity play an active role in Church life in Kenya, which Makir said creates “vibrant parishes in which every Christian is an active participant”.
You can support seminarians like Makir Ahmed in our Archdiocese by donating to the Priest Training Fund. In supporting the fund, you not only help with seminary fees but also enable our vocations team to encourage others to answer God’s call.