Some Definite Service: Could you be a Deanery Mentor or Parish Lead?

Nativity image

Southwark clergy, Deanery Mentors and new Parish Leads recently attended an online event in December, hosted by Archbishop John and the Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis.

The occasion offered a genuine glimpse of our faith-filled diocese; one of Catholics who love the Lord Jesus and desire for others to know him better.

Archbishop John stated:

How wonderful to gather online with 225 clergy, parish leads, deanery mentors and members of the Archdiocese of Southwark Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis to consider what it means to be an ‘evangelising Archdiocese.’ Such faith and passion for mission is so ENCOURAGING!"

The Agency would like to thank those who have already expressed enthusiasm for the Some Definite Service initiative, which is enabling Southwark to become an evangelising missionary diocese.

We share below three short video clips from the online gathering:

  • 1. The Archbishop’s vision and a reflection on Luke 1:26-38.

The painting used during the Lectio was The Annunciation by Arthur Joseph Gaskin, 1898

  • 2. A summary of Some Definite Service’s scope and support.
  • A look at the three elements of Some Definite Service:
    People, Plans and Prayer with contributions from a Deanery Mentor, a Parish Lead and an Agency advisor.


Since the online gathering many have signed up to become a Parish Lead, whilst others have expressed an interest in becoming a Deanery Mentor.

The Agency invites you to become involved and find out more, firstly by expressing interest to your parish priest, and then either through attendance at a course or event, potentially going on to join the volunteer missionary network which forms part of Some Definite Service.  Here are some documents which may help you to make a decision:

If you feel you have something to offer the Church through Some Definite Service, please speak to your parish priest in the first instance.  For those interested in becoming a Deanery Mentor, please also express your interest here.

Please continue to pray for the renewal of our Diocese and share this information with those who might be willing to pray specifically for this work in your parish.

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‘God has created me to do Him some definite service.

He has committed some work to me which

He has not committed to another.

I have my mission... I shall do good; I shall do His work.’

St John Henry Newman, Meditations on Christian Doctrine, 1848