Southwark Marriage Mass
The Southwark Marriage Mass takes place every year (with the exception of 2020, due to the pandemic). This public service is celebrated each year in St George's Cathedral for couples celebrating their 1st, 10th, 25th, 40th and 50th+ anniversary of marriage.

Since this special service was not able to take place last year, it was deeply moving to see so many joining together in the Cathedral to mark their significant jubilees.
During his homily, Archbishop John Wilson reminded couples that, through their sacramental union they are called to help each other grow in holiness, to help each other become a saint!
He went on to outline three simple concepts for a good marriage: friendship, happiness and faith, and offered encouragement to the couples to pray for each other often.
At the end of the Mass, Archbishop John thanked Fr Liam Gallagher for accepting the role of Episcopal Vicar for the Southwark Marriage and Family Life Commission. He takes up the mantel of his predecessor, Fr Graham Preston.
If you will be celebrating a significant anniversary next year, details of how to book will be circulated through the parishes early next year. Alternatively, information can be obtained from any of the Pastoral Area coordinators: visit our Marriage and Family Life Team pages for details.