The Knights of St Columba: Relic Pilgrimage to Aylesford Priory and 21 Knighthoods


Knights of St Columba

The Knights of St Columba gathered in Aylesford Priory on 18th June for the National Tour of the relics of St Columba, St Andrew and St Margaret.

The day started with Sung Mass at 12 noon, concelebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus, The Right Reverend Patrick Lynch, with Fr Philip Baptiste from Ham and Fr Francis Kemsley O. Carm.

Following the Mass a Knighthood Ceremony took place during which 21 Brothers from across the provinces were elevated to Full Knighthood Degree by the Supreme Knight Brother Henry Welsh, ably assisted by Supreme Director for Youth and Young People Brother Michael Akinrele, who stood in for Supreme Director for Membership Brother Daineal O hEarchai.

The Knights then took advantage of the excellent weather and beautiful surroundings of Aylesford to enjoy a picnic with their families before concluding the programme after lunch with Rosary along the Rosary Way and Benediction in the Shrine.

The Relics will be in our Archdiocese at various parishes for the next few days, arriving this Wednesday, 21st June, in Hastings Old Town


Photographs of the Day