Two Cathedral’s in Southwark come together in act of Christian unity
St George’s Cathedral Choirs joined with the Anglican Southwark Choirs to sing in an act of Christian Unity

For the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the St George’s Cathedral Choirs and Southwark Cathedral Choirs came together to sing at their respective cathedrals.
On Sunday 26th January, the wonderful St George’s Cathedral Choirs were joined by the Southwark Cathedral Choir for Evensong. Together, the Cathedral choirs produced a beautiful performance.
In the week prior, St George’s Cathedral Choirs visited Southwark Cathedral to sing Solemn Vespers. At the service, St George’s Cathedral Dean – Canon Michael Branch – preached a homily and quoted Pope Francis:
‘Prayer for unity is the primary responsibility in our journey together. And it is a sacred responsibility, because it means being in communion with the Lord, who prayed above all to the Father for unity’.
You can read about the event at Southwark Cathedral here.