World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon

On Monday 31st July, around fifty pilgrims from our Archdiocese will be travelling with Archbishop John Wilson to Lisbon for World Youth Day.

 World Youth Day 2023: Archdiocese of Southwark Pilgrims

Above: WYD Pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Southwark with Fr Dermott O'Gorman

Pope St. John Paul II, who founded World Youth Day, said its main objective is

“to bring back to the centre of the faith and life of every young person the person of Christ, so that He becomes their constant source of inspiration and true light.”

This year the theme is ‘Rise Up’: taking inspiration from the Gospel passage: “Mary arose and went with haste,” (Luke 1:39) In this passage we see a dual mandate; firstly Mary rises up to share the good news of Jesus' imminent arrival rather than keeping the information to herself or hiding away, and secondly, she does so swiftly. In the modern day, as people of faith, we are called to evangelise, and spread the Good News without hesitation.

We pray that the Southwark pilgrimage will indeed be an opportunity to encounter Christ in a more profound way, through prayer, the Eucharist, and through an appreciation of the beauty of His Universal Church. The journey begins, but does not end in Lisbon: we pray that this pilgrimage will help our young people discern more deeply the definite service the Lord has for them, and to return to the UK full of vigour to “rise up” in spreading His Gospel in our Archdiocese and in the individual circumstances of their lives.

Please keep them in your prayers, that they may receive guidance and inspiration throughout this spiritual journey, and return with new friendships and happy memories of their time together in Lisbon.

All are warmly encouraged to follow the diocesan pilgrimage to World Youth Day on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) between Monday 31st July - Monday 7th August 2023.